The best time, to visit Bir Billing for paragliding is from 10th March to 20th June and 25 September to 20 December. These seasons offer the best weather conditions, perfect thermal wind, and breathtaking landscapes, making the paragliding experience memorable and safe. These months are also considered one of the best months to learn Paragliding in Bir Billing.

Here’s a detailed overview of what to expect if you plan your paragliding adventure in Bir Billing from March to February.

March to June (spring to early summer)

paragliding in bir billing in march
sun set in bir billing in March

Paragliding in Bir Billing in March

March marks the beginning of the prime paragliding season in Bir Billing, making it one of the best months and best time to visit Bir Billing for Paragliding activity. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect in Bir Billing during March.

Weather and Temperature

  • Temperature

In March, temperatures in Bir Billing range from 10°C (50°F) during the night to 20°C (68°F) during the day. This moderate temperature makes it comfortable for both paragliding and exploring the region.

  • Weather

March sees clear skies with minimal rainfall, creating ideal conditions for paragliding. The wind patterns are generally stable, providing excellent lift and ensuring smooth flights. There is a sudden fluctuation in Day and Night temperature.

Landscape and Scenery

  • Flora

The onset of spring in March brings a burst of greenery to Bir Billing. The ripe Wheat fields, Wood apple tree Flowers, Rhododendrons flowers, lush green Tea Gardens,s, and wildflowers start to bloom, Pine forests are lush with new growth, adding vibrant colors to the landscape.

  • Views

Paragliders in March can enjoy breathtaking views of the snow-capped Dhauladhar mountain range, the golden Sun Set, the verdant valleys, and the picturesque Bir villages below.

Paragliding Experience

  • Crowd Levels

March is the beginning of the busy season, but it is not as crowded as the peak summer months. This makes it a great time to visit if you prefer a slightly quieter experience while still enjoying optimal flying conditions.

  • Flight Conditions

The combination of clear skies and stable winds in March provides excellent flight conditions for both beginners and experienced paragliders. The thermal currents are just starting to develop, offering smooth and enjoyable flights.

Tips for Paragliding in March

1.       Advance Booking: As March is part of the high season for paragliding, it’s advisable to book your paragliding session and Hotel in advance to secure your spot.

2.       Layered Clothing: The weather can be cool in the morning and evening, so wear layers that you can adjust as the temperature changes throughout the day.

3.       Sunscreen and Sunglasses: The sun can be quite strong, even in March. Protect your skin and eyes with sunscreen and sunglasses while paragliding.

4.       Stay Hydrated: Despite the cooler temperatures, it’s important to stay hydrated. Bring a water bottle with you.

5.       Camera: The views in March are particularly stunning, with snow-capped peaks, soft Sunset, and lush greenery. Bring a camera or GoPro to capture the magnificent scenery.

6.       Transportation: Go for booking for Scotter, Bike, and Cycle in Bir Billing if you are solo or Couple.

Bir Billing in April

April is a great time to visit Bir Billing for paragliding. The weather is excellent, and the views of the landscape are breathtaking. If you’re planning a paragliding adventure in Bir Billing, here’s what to expect during April.

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Weather and Temperature

  • Temperature

In April, the temperatures in Bir Billing range from 12°C (54°F) to 25°C (77°F). The days are warm, and the evenings are pleasantly cool, providing comfortable conditions for both paragliding and other outdoor activities like Camping and Trekking.

  • Weather

April boasts clear skies and minimal rainfall, creating ideal flying conditions. The stable weather ensures smooth and safe paragliding experiences with consistent thermal currents.

Landscape and Scenery

  • Flora

April is a beautiful month in Bir Billing, with the region in full bloom. The vibrant colors of spring flowers, fresh and soft tea leaves, and lush greenery create a picturesque backdrop for paragliding. If you’re planning a paragliding adventure in Bir Billing, here’s what to expect during April.

  • Views

The clear weather in April offers stunning views of the Dhauladhar mountain range, Tea Garden, verdant valleys, and the surrounding Pine forests. Snow is still visible on the higher peaks, and sunset at the paragliding Landing site adds to the scenic beauty.

Paragliding Experience

  • Crowd Levels

April is part of the high season for paragliding in Bir Billing, so you can expect more Local, National, and International visitors. However, the infrastructure in place ensures that the experience is well-managed, with numerous flights available throughout the day.

  • Flight Conditions

The flight conditions in April are optimal, with reliable thermal currents and moderate winds providing excellent lift. This makes April a great month for both beginners and experienced paragliders and for those who want to learn paragliding in Bir Billing.

Tips for Paragliding in April

1.       Advance Booking: Due to the high demand in April, booking your paragliding session and Hotel in advance is advisable to ensure you secure a spot.

2.       Appropriate Clothing: Dress in layers to adapt to the changing temperatures. Light, breathable clothing for the day and a warmer layer for the cooler evenings are recommended.

3.       Sun Protection: The sun can be strong in April, so apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes.

4.       Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle with you to stay hydrated throughout the day.

5.       Capture the Moment: Bring a camera or GoPro to capture the stunning aerial views and your paragliding adventure. Especially Sun set view. 

Bir Billing in May

May month also considered the best time to visit Bir Billing for Paragliding. May offers similar exhilarating experiences as March but with slightly warmer temperatures. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect in Bir Billing during May.

Weather and Temperature

  • Temperature

In May, temperatures in Bir Billing range from 15°C (59°F) to 25°C (77°F) during the day. The nights may still be cool, but overall, the weather is pleasant and ideal for outdoor activities.

  • Weather

May is characterized by clear skies and minimal rainfall, making it perfect for paragliding. The stable wind conditions provide excellent lift, ensuring smooth and enjoyable flights.

Landscape and Scenery

  • Flora

By May, the spring bloom is in full swing, with lush greenery covering the landscape. The trees are in full leaf, and the valleys are alive with color, creating a stunning backdrop for your paragliding adventure.

  • Views

Paragliders in May can enjoy panoramic views of the Dhauladhar Mountain range, the green valleys, and the quaint villages below.

Paragliding Experience

  • Crowd Levels

May is one of the busiest months for paragliding in Bir Billing due to the favorable weather. Despite the crowds, you can still enjoy a fantastic flying experience.

  • Flight Conditions

The weather conditions in May provide excellent thermal currents, offering longer flight times and a thrilling experience for both beginners and experienced paragliders.

Tips for Paragliding in May

1.       Booking: Due to the high demand, it’s advisable to book your paragliding session in advance to secure your spot.

2.       Clothing: Wear light, breathable clothing during the day, but carry some warm layers for the cooler mornings and evenings.

3.       Sun Protection: Protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.

4.       Hydration: Stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water.

5.       Camera: Capture the stunning views with a camera or GoPro to relive your paragliding adventure.

Paragliding in Bir Billing in June, July, and August (Monsoon Season)

Bir Billing in Monsoon
A thrilling paragliding adventure in the majestic mountains.

Bir Billing in June for paragliding

  • Weather

June marks the onset of the monsoon season in Bir Billing. The weather becomes more unpredictable, with an increase in rainfall and occasional thunderstorms. This can affect paragliding activities, as flying in rainy or stormy conditions is unsafe.

  • Temperature

Temperatures range from 15°C (59°F) to 25°C (77°F), but the humidity levels can make it feel warmer.

  • Paragliding

While there may still be some clear days suitable for paragliding, after 15 June paragliding stopped by Bir Billing Paragliding Association.  It’s advisable to check with local operators for current flying conditions at the beginning of June Month.

Paragliding in Bir Billing in July

  • Weather

July is typically the wettest month in Bir Billing, with frequent rainfall and cloudy skies.

  • Temperature

Temperatures range from 15°C (59°F) to 23°C (73°F), but the humidity levels can make it feel cooler.

  • Paragliding

Paragliding activities are often restricted during July due to the rainy weather.

Bir Paragliding in August

  • Weather

August sees a gradual decrease in rainfall compared to July, but the weather remains unpredictable with occasional showers. After 15 August paragliding starts again. Clear days are less frequent, making it challenging to plan paragliding activities.

  • Temperature

Temperatures range from 15°C (59°F) to 22°C (72°F), with cooler evenings.

  • Paragliding

Paragliding opportunities may still be limited in August, depending on the weather. It’s essential to check with local operators for updates on flying conditions.

  • Flora

The monsoon rains bring out the lush greenery in Bir Billing. The Paddy fields and forests are vibrant and full of life, offering stunning views of the verdant valleys and hills.

  • Views

When the weather clears, paragliders can enjoy breathtaking views of the Dhauladhar mountain range, the Buddhist Monastery, the lush green valleys, and the picturesque villages below. The post-rain clarity can enhance the visual experience, making the scenery even more spectacular.

Tips for Paragliding in Monsoon Months

1.       Check Weather Forecasts: Stay updated on weather forecasts and fly only when conditions are safe.

2.       Flexible Scheduling: Be prepared for changes in your paragliding schedule due to weather conditions.

3.       Rain Gear: Carry appropriate rain gear to stay dry in case of unexpected showers.

4.       Patience: Be patient as flying opportunities may be limited during the monsoon season.

Paragliding in Bir Billing September, October, and November (Peak Season for Paragliding)

Paragliding in October in Bir Billing
A breathtaking view of paragliding at sunset

Bir Paragliding in September

September is an exhilarating experience, as the post-monsoon skies clear up, offering stunning views and ideal flying conditions. September marks the beginning of the best paragliding season, with mild weather and stable winds perfect for both beginners and experienced pilots. The lush green landscapes, rejuvenated by the monsoon rains, add to the scenic beauty, making your paragliding adventure unforgettable.

Weather and Conditions

  • Stable Winds

September brings steady and favorable winds, crucial for a smooth paragliding experience.

  • Clear Skies

Post-monsoon, the skies are generally clear, providing unobstructed views of the Dhauladhar mountain range and the Kangra Valley.

  • Pleasant Temperatures

The weather is mild, neither too hot nor too cold, creating a comfortable environment for flying.

Scenic Beauty

  • Lush Greenery

The monsoon rains leave the landscape lush and verdant, enhancing the visual appeal of the region.

  • Vibrant Views

The combination of clear skies and green surroundings offers breathtaking views from the sky, making for great photo opportunities.

Tips for Paragliding in September

  • Advance Booking

September is a popular month for paragliding, so it’s advisable to book your slots in advance.

  • Proper Gear

: Ensure you have the right gear, including comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes.

  • Stay Hydrated

Carry water and stay hydrated, as the excitement and physical activity can make you thirsty.

Bir Billing in October for Paragliding

October month considered one of the best times to visit Bir Billing for paragliding. October is an exceptional experience, with ideal weather conditions and stunning landscapes. Thermal wind are strong and helps for long and higher flight. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect during this month.

Weather and Temperature

  • Temperature

In October, temperatures in Bir Billing range from 10°C (50°F) to 20°C (68°F). The weather is generally mild and pleasant, with cooler mornings and evenings.

  • Weather

October features clear skies and minimal rainfall, providing excellent conditions for paragliding. The stable weather patterns ensure safe and enjoyable flights with consistent wind conditions.

Landscape and Scenery

  • Flora

The lush greenery from the monsoon season remains, creating a vibrant and picturesque landscape. The fields and forests are in full bloom, offering a beautiful backdrop for your paragliding adventure.

  • Views

Paragliders can enjoy spectacular views of the Dhauladhar mountain range, Kangra and Mandi valleys, and charming villages below. The clear autumn skies provide unobstructed vistas, enhancing the overall experience.

Paragliding Experience

  • Flight Conditions

October offers some of the best flight conditions of the year. The thermals are strong and well-formed, allowing for longer and more enjoyable flights. The stable winds provide excellent lift and smooth flying conditions for beginners and experienced paragliders.

  • Crowd Levels

October is a popular month for paragliding in Bir Billing, as the favorable weather attracts many National and International visitors. While it may be busier than other times of the year, the atmosphere is lively and exciting.

Tips for Paragliding in October

1.       Advance Booking: Given the popularity of October, it’s advisable to book your paragliding session in advance to secure your Paragliding

2.       Spot. Due to the Paragliding competition, the Tendom paragliding time can be fixed. So Kindly contact with local Paragliding agency for flying timing.

3.       Layered Clothing: The temperature can vary throughout the day, so wear layers that you can adjust as needed to stay comfortable.

4.       Sun Protection: Even in October, the sun can be strong. Protect yourself with sunscreen, and sunglasses during paragliding.

5.       Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, especially if you’re active all day.

6.       Camera: The clear skies and stunning views make October a great time to capture photos or videos of your paragliding experience.

Bir Billing in November

Paragliding in Bir Billing in November is an excellent experience, characterized by cool temperatures and clear skies. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect during this month.

Weather and Temperature

  •       Temperature

In November, temperatures in Bir Billing range from 5°C (41°F) to 15°C (59°F). The mornings and evenings are quite cool, and the days are mild.

  •       Weather

November typically features clear skies with minimal rainfall, providing stable and predictable weather conditions ideal for paragliding. The crisp autumn air offers great visibility and smooth flights.

Landscape and Scenery

  • Flora

The landscape begins to transition as the autumn leaves start to fall, creating a mix of green and golden hues. The clear skies enhance the natural beauty of the area.

  • Views

Paragliders can enjoy stunning views of the Dhauladhar mountain range, the lush valleys, and the charming villages below. The clarity of the air in November provides excellent visibility for long-distance views.

Paragliding Experience

  • Flight Conditions

November offers very favorable flight conditions. The thermals are reliable, allowing for longer and higher flights. The winds are generally stable, providing excellent lift and smooth flying conditions suitable for both beginners and experienced paragliders.

  • Crowd Levels

While November is not as crowded as the peak summer months, it still attracts a fair number of paragliding enthusiasts due to the excellent flying conditions.

Tips for Paragliding in November

1.       Advance Booking: As the weather is favorable, it’s a good idea to book your paragliding session in advance to ensure availability.

2.       Warm Clothing: Dress in layers to stay warm during the cool mornings and evenings. A windproof jacket is recommended.

3.       Sun Protection: Even in cooler weather, the sun can be strong at higher altitudes. Use sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat.

4.       Hydration: Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water, even if the weather is cooler.

5.       Camera: The clear autumn skies and scenic views make November a great time to capture photos or videos of your paragliding adventure.

Bir Billing Paragliding in December, January, and February (Off Season)

A person paragliding over a snow covered mountain range in Bir Billing
snow covered paragliding take-off site in Bir Billing

Bir Billing in December

Paragliding in Bir Billing in December offers a unique and exhilarating experience, with winter weather adding a distinct charm to the adventure. Here’s what you can expect during this month.

Weather and Temperature

  • Temperature

In December, temperatures in Bir Billing range from 0°C (32°F) to 12°C (54°F). The mornings and evenings are quite cold, and the daytime can be chilly, especially at higher altitudes.

  • Weather

December typically features clear skies with minimal rainfall. The air is crisp and clean, offering excellent visibility. However, the cooler temperatures mean that flights can be quite brisk, so proper preparation is essential.

Landscape and Scenery

  • Flora

The landscape is transitioning into winter, with many trees shedding their leaves. The surrounding mountains may have snowcaps, adding a stunning contrast to the green valleys below.

  • Views

Paragliders can enjoy breathtaking views of the snow-covered Dhauladhar mountain range, the frosty valleys, and the serene villages. The clarity of the winter air enhances the beauty of the scenery.

Paragliding Experience

  • Flight Conditions

December offers good flight conditions, but the cold weather means that flights can be more challenging. The thermals are weaker compared to warmer months, but the stable winds still provide excellent lift. Flights can be shorter due to the reduced thermal activity.

  • Crowd Levels

December is less crowded than the peak summer and autumn months, offering a quieter and more peaceful paragliding experience.

Tips for Paragliding in December

1.       Advance Booking: It’s advisable to book your paragliding session in advance, as fewer operators may be running during the winter season.

2.       Warm Clothing: Dress in multiple layers, including thermal wear, a windproof jacket, gloves, and a cap to stay warm during the flight.

3.       Sun Protection: Even in winter, the sun can be strong at higher altitudes. Use sunscreen, sunglasses, and a cap to protect yourself.

4.       Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, even if you don’t feel as thirsty in the cold.

5.       Camera: The winter landscape and clear skies provide stunning photo opportunities. Bring a camera or GoPro to capture the scenic views.

Paragliding in Bir Billing in January

Paragliding in January offers a unique experience characterized by crisp winter air, clear skies, snow-covered mountains, and stunning panoramic views. January month is the perfect month for those people who want to do paragliding on snow-covered mountains. Whether flight height is low, the beauty of Bir Billing makes January for best time to visit Bir Billing for Paragliding. The winter season brings a different charm to the region, with snow-capped peaks and a serene, tranquil atmosphere. Here are some key points to consider for paragliding in Bir Billing in January.

Weather and Conditions

  • Cool Temperatures

January is the peak of winter, so expect cold temperatures of 6.4°C. Dress in layers to stay warm.

  • Clear Skies

The winter months typically bring clear skies, allowing for uninterrupted views during your paragliding flight.

  • Stable Winds

The winds are generally stable, but it’s always best to check the weather conditions before planning your flight. Winds are not helpful for longer and higher flying.

Scenic Beauty

  • Snow-Capped Peaks

The Dhauladhar mountain range is often covered in snow, providing a spectacular backdrop for your paragliding adventure.

  • Peaceful Atmosphere

The winter season is less crowded, offering a more peaceful and serene experience.

Tips for Paragliding in January

  • Warm Clothing

Wear thermal layers, gloves, a windcheter, and a warm hat to protect yourself from the cold.

  • Advance Planning

Weather conditions can be unpredictable, so it’s advisable to have flexible travel plans. Heavy Snowfall on the paragliding take off-site can stop paragliding for 2 or 3 days.

  • Safety First

Ensure you fly with experienced pilots who are familiar with winter flying conditions.

Paragliding in February

Paragliding in Bir Billing in February offers a unique and thrilling experience with its winter landscapes, snow-covered Dholadhar mountain range, snow on paragliding take-off sit, and cool temperatures make February the best time to visit Bir Billing for Paragliding. If you want to do paragliding on snow-covered mountains then visit Bir Billing in February month. Here’s what you can expect during this month.

Weather and Temperature

  • Temperature

In February, temperatures in Bir Billing range from -2°C (28°F) to 8.6°C (47.4°F). The mornings and evenings are freezing, and daytime temperatures remain cool, so it’s important to dress warmly.

  • Weather

February is generally dry with clear skies, but occasional snowfall can occur, especially at higher altitudes. The air is crisp and clean, providing excellent visibility for paragliding.

Landscape and Scenery

  • Flora

The landscape is often covered in snow, creating a picturesque winter wonderland. The trees are bare, and the surrounding mountains are dusted with snow, offering a stunning backdrop for your flight.

  •  Views

Paragliders can enjoy breathtaking views of the snow-covered Dhauladhar mountain range, the white valleys, and the charming villages below. The winter air enhances the clarity and beauty of the scenery.

Paragliding Experience

  • Flight Conditions

February offers good flight conditions, but the cold weather can make flights challenging. The thermals are weaker, and the air is denser, which can affect lift and flight duration. Flights may be shorter compared to other times of the year.

  • Crowd Levels

February is less crowded than the peak season, providing a quieter and more peaceful paragliding experience.

Tips for Paragliding in February

1.       Advance Booking: It’s advisable to book your paragliding session in advance, as fewer operators may be running during the winter season.

2.       Warm Clothing: Dress in multiple layers, including thermal wear, a windproof jacket, gloves, and a hat to stay warm during the flight.

3.       Snow Gear: If there’s snowfall, consider wearing waterproof pants and boots to stay dry and warm.

4.       Sun Protection: Even in winter, the sun can be strong at higher altitudes. Use sunscreen, sunglasses, and a cap to protect yourself.

5.       Camera: The winter landscape and clear skies provide stunning photo opportunities. Bring a camera or GoPro to capture the scenic views.


In conclusion, the best time to visit Bir Billing for paragliding is from March to June and from October to November. These months offer the most favorable weather conditions, ensuring a safe and exhilarating experience. The spring season (March to June) provides clear skies and pleasant temperatures, making it ideal for outdoor activities and exploring the scenic beauty of Bir Billing. The autumn season (October to November) offers stable weather and spectacular views of the surrounding landscapes.

Whether you’re an experienced paraglider or a novice seeking adventure, Bir Billing promises an unforgettable experience. By choosing the right time to visit, you can maximize your enjoyment and make the most of your paragliding adventure in this picturesque destination. Remember to plan, check the weather forecasts, and book your flights and accommodations in advance to ensure a smooth and memorable trip. Happy flying!

Frequent Ask Questions

  1. What to eat before paragliding?

    Eat bananas, apples, and papaya, or drink lemon juice for 1 to 2 hours before paragliding. These fruits are gentle on the digestive system and provide essential nutrients while helping to prevent nausea and vomiting during paragliding.

  2. How safe is Bir paragliding?

    Paragliding in Bir is generally safe, especially with certified operators and experienced and license-holder pilots. Ensure flights occur in suitable weather, use well-maintained equipment, and attend safety briefings. Good physical health is also important for a safe experience.

  3. Does weight matter in paragliding?

    Yes, weight matters in paragliding. Paragliding equipment has weight limits for both the pilot and passenger to ensure safety and optimal performance. The weight capacity of a paraglider can vary depending on the specific model and design. Generally, most paragliders are designed to carry a total weight (including the pilot, equipment, and any additional gear) ranging from 100 to 200 kilograms (220 to 440 pounds).

  4. Should I wear jeans for paragliding?

    Yes, you can wear jeans but it should be stretchable. Ordinary Jeans are made of heavy fabric that can restrict movement and become uncomfortable during the flight.

  5. Can I go paragliding in shorts?

    Yes, you can go paragliding in shorts, but it’s important to consider the weather and conditions of the day. If it’s warm and you’re comfortable in shorts, they can be a suitable choice. However, remember that shorts offer less protection than pants.

  6. What is the best time for paragliding Morning or evening?

    The best time depends on local weather patterns, wind conditions, and personal comfort. Some pilots prefer early morning flights for smoother air and better visibility, while others enjoy the calmness of the evening sky and the golden sunset views.

  7. When does it snow in Bir Billing?

    In Bir Billing, snowfall typically occurs during the winter months, from December to February. However, keep in touch with Piolet for the current snowfall information on the Paragliding take-off site.

  8. How to dress for paragliding?

    For paragliding, dress in layers for changing temperatures and weather conditions. Start with a moisture-wicking base, add a fleece layer, and top with a windproof outer layer. Wear flexible pants, sturdy shoes, and thin, windproof gloves. A worm hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen are essential. Avoid bulky or restrictive clothing.

  9. What should women wear for paragliding?

    For paragliding, women should wear a comfortable sports bra, layered clothing (moisture-wicking base, insulating mid-layer, and windproof outer layer), flexible pants, sturdy shoes, thin gloves, a hat or beanie, sunglasses, and sunscreen. Tie long hair back and avoid bulky or restrictive clothing. Take off your all-expensive ornament.